Wintering Out…Meaning-Making in Nature

Wintering Out…Meaning-Making in Nature

Days of Drawing, Reading and Reflection at Dr. Neil’s Garden Saturdays 20th January, 17th February and 16th March from 10am to 3pm Fee: £250 for all of the days(Includes a donation to the garden) “O Wind, If winter comes, can spring be far behind” So ends the poem Ode...

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Such Fragile Futures (Film)

Such Fragile Futures (Film)

This short film acts as an introduction to a collaboration I had with poet Christine De Luca, during my time as Artist in Residence at Dr Neil’s Garden in Duddingston and is an attempt to create a distillation of our experience into something easily accessible by...

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Artist in Residence at Dr. Neil’s Garden

Artist in Residence at Dr. Neil’s Garden

I’m thrilled to be the Artist in Residence at the ‘hidden’ gem that is Dr. Neil’s Garden, by the shores of Duddingston Loch, near Edinburgh (from June 2021-June 2022) where I’ll be found, ‘dropping down’ amongst the plants and general ambience of this special spot. The poet, John Clare (1793-1864) described his need for “dropping down”, in order that he be better able to see nature as it might appear to other beings – he ‘dropped down’ in order that he might better attune to his immediate environment. I too am trying to allow myself to do this – slowing down, dropping down, seeing as heeding…

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Latest News : Video Collaboration

Latest News : Video Collaboration

I have collaborated with the wonderful Tomáš Liška and Invisible World on a music video inspired by a track called "Another Thing to Think About" from the band's new album "Hope" and you can view it here*

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“And the day came…”

“And the day came…”

Inspired by a quote from the Journals of Anais Nin: "And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they...

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An 8 week introductory course with Artist, Brigid Collins

An 8 week introductory course with Artist, Brigid Collins

This course will be delivered online on Saturdays (1.30pm-4.30pm) New course starting in January 2021: Saturday 9th January - Saturday 6th March (with mid-term break on Saturday, 13th February). Course Fee: £280* (Fee includes continuing access to weekly video...

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